Global Green Institute is furtherance of the professional work of our Principal Daniel A. Huard, LEED Fellow to see Positive Impacts for the Planet and its Peoples.

Global Green Institute’s primary activities include efforts to engage within and as well document collaborative efforts to see measurable improvement of Elements, Assemblies, Systems and Opportunities which REDUCE Negative Impacts on the Planet, its Peoples.  These efforts thus contribute to credible, measurable, documented increases of human and planetary WELLness resulting in ongoing positive impacts today with plans in place to see continuation into the future.

Huard’s efforts in the documentation of Resources Conservation and Carbon Abatement resulting from the adopted and incorporated efforts which reduce the global impacts of excess Resource & Energy Consumption are well known in the global Green Building Industry circles for decades. Our adopted innovations and efforts have seen very substantial Emissions Reductions resulting from Energy Efficiency Improvements leading to substantive Carbon Abatement from the initiatives and incorporation of governance improvements and best practice adoptions.

Carbon Emission as well as numerous GHG reductions have been realized via the adoption of strategies implemented as a result of Investment Grade Level III Audits in addition to the application of innovative technologies like the Fuel Super Supplement Formulations which dramatically reduce hydrocarbon usage and additionally reduce numerous negative emissions from Internal Combustion engines, obviously we develop and deliver substantive Carbon Emissions Reductions Credits from this work.

Work within the built environment has seen the adaptation of technological superior products with combined Resiliency, Impact, Fire and Hurricane resistant solutions that concurrently provide Solar Photovoltaic and Solar Thermal packaged solutions . Again these innovative Renewable Energy focused building products are recognized as globally innovative in the generation of Carbon Credits.

Our ongoing collaborative efforts within the built environment include performing Life Cycle Assessments for LEED, Living Building Challenge, Green Globes and the US DOE’s Net Zero Energy Homes programs to document their respective lifecycle stage impacts as well as establish the current and future projections of carbon intensity reductions from efficient and effective buildings and their product specifics.