UN Sustainable Development GoalsDecades ago founder Daniel A. Huard, LEED Fellow, set out to make positive environmental impact he shares “In candor I have never been a complacent person, I belong to the Earth, the Earth does not belong to the Human Race,  EVERYTHING ON THE EARTH IS ALIVE, No Person is more important than NATURE!”

This statement provides is a motto for the way he lives life. Huard continues “I take on challenges and work to make the impossible plausible, and then that plausible possible”. 

Mahatma Gandhi shared “You must be the CHANGE you wish to see in the WORLD” which is why Huard has been Providing Innovative and Practical Solutions since 1984.

1200px-Seal_of_the_United_States_Department_of_the_Interior.svg - TDI-Brooks International

Huard started collaborating with the US Department of the Interior in 2009 contributing to their efforts in their specific development of the Federal Guiding Principles for High Performance and Sustainable Buildings. Those efforts saw the adoption of Certified Green Buildings in the Lower Colorado Region. Following those efforts was working on solutions for determining carbon footprinting following ISO 14067 protocols … then offsetting those impacts utilizing Life Cycle Assessments to help attain goals to see alignment with thresholds set out in Executive Order 13514.

The first and most stringent Green Building Rating System on the planet the International Living Future Institute’s Living Building Challenge‘Living Building Challenge’ set forth a path to go beyond net-zero in the built environment by becoming restorative. Daniel A. Huard, LEED Fellow, LFA, was with ILFI in Toronto Canada in October 2011 when the NetZero Energy Building Certification was launched. NetZero Energy Building CertificationObviously attaining Net Zero Energy requires a comprehensive carbon reduction strategy, with Lifecycle Analysis that adheres to ISO protocols and effective processes, which as well demands accurate disclosures and transparent reporting of efforts to make positive environmental impact.

Founders of Global Green Institute (GGI) are well versed in the application of and performance of Lifecycle Assessments “LCAs” following ISO 14040 is an overarching standard encompassing all four ISO phases of an LCA. Our Founders have performed LCAs and Audits in the support of over $1B in project valuations thus far. US Department of Energy Zero Energy Ready HomeHuard recently became a verifier for the US Department of Energy Zero Energy Ready Home program and documents Investment Grade Audits and Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) of 2022 submissions. LCAs are the key to initate any Carbon Credit activity’s validity and accounting following ISO 14064 the international standard for quantifying and reporting greenhouse gas emissions. ISO 14064 Part 1 guides development of a GHG inventory that can be compared to other inventories of other organizations regardless of sector or national origin.

With Huard GGI and Humann Building Solutions are very attune to the nature and priorities within ESG which as adoption becomes more commonplace addresses the political and regulatory landscape increasing transparency demands. As a result business leaders are looking to cascade best practices beyond their own operations, to their supply chains beginning to grasp the importance of ESG and its inherent connection to Carbon and Carbon Abatement to make positive environmental impact.

Our GGI sector specialists apply extensive carbon management expertise across a range of services, to both demonstrate compliance and accurately verify your carbon emissions – helping to reduce the footprint of your organization and its wider supply chain.

If you would like to discuss how LCA can be effective for your organization or Green Building Certification strategy do reach out, we can help!

Huard started collaborating with the US Department of the Interior in 2009 and since then has been working on solutions for determining carbon footprinting following ISO 14067 protocols … then offsetting those impacts to help attain goals set out in Executive Order 13514.

The first and most stringent Green Building Rating System on the planet the International Living Future Institute’s “Living Building Challenge” set forth a path to go beyond net-zero in the built environment by becoming restorative. Daniel A. Huard, LEED Fellow, LFA, was with ILFI in Toronto Canada in October 2011 when the NetZero Energy Building Certification was launched. Obviously attaining Net Zero Energy requires a comprehensive carbon reduction strategy, with Lifecycle Analysis that adheres to ISO protocols and effective processes, which as well demands accurate disclosures and transparent reporting of efforts to make positive environmental impact.

Founders of Global Green Institute (GGI) are well versed in the application of and performance of Lifecycle Assessments “LCAs” following ISO 14040 is an overarching standard encompassing all four phases of LCAperforming LCAs and Audits in the support of over $1B in project valuations thus far. Huard recently became a verifier for the US Department of Energy Zero Energy Ready Home program and documents Investment Grade Audits and Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) of 2022 submissions. LCAs are the key to initate any Carbon Credit activity’s validity and accounting following ISO 14064 the international standard for quantifying and reporting greenhouse gas emissions. ISO 14064 Part 1 guides development of a GHG inventory that can be compared to other inventories of other organizations regardless of sector or national origin.

With Huard GGI and Humann Building Solutions are very attune to the nature and priorities within ESG which as adoption becomes more commonplace addresses the political and regulatory landscape increasing transparency demands. As a result business leaders are looking to cascade best practices beyond their own operations, to their supply chains beginning to grasp the importance of ESG and its inherent connection to Carbon and Carbon Abatement to make positive environmental impact.

Our GGI sector specialists apply extensive carbon management expertise across a range of services, to both demonstrate compliance and accurately verify your carbon emissions – helping to reduce the footprint of your organization and its wider supply chain.


If you would like to discuss how LCA can be effective for your organization or Green Building Certification strategy do reach out, we can help!

Global Green Institute was established for the collaborative furtherance of our professional work initiated in 1984, to make positive impacts for the planet and its peoples.

Global Green Institute has several specific verticals including an Independent Third-Party Not-for-Profit Carbon Registry, the analysis of the carbon potentials is provided via compliance standards developed within Global Green Institute utilizing the Investment Grade Audit analysis and Multidisciplinary Professional Managerial Expertise of our founders and their affiliated organizations. Global Green Institute as well utilizes Lifecycle Analysis (LCA) to form a benchmarking basis for truly defining the impacts that play a great part in the accurate evaluations inclusive of credible accounting for resultant Carbon Credits based on their specific typologies. an affiliated vertical MDH Evolution accomplishes this LCA consulting work.

An additional Global Green Institute vertical is the Global Educational Center that co-founders Marlyn and Daniel Huard have, as a continuance of decades of awarded winning mentoring, instruction and organizational optimization with resultant goals to make positive impacts for the planet and its peoples. An additional related vertical is the aligned MDH Evolution ESG (Environmental, Sustainability and Governance) Center that hosts and has provided these expansive consulting services to numerous organizational entities all over the planet.

With aligned Organizations we bring substantive Carbon Emission Reductions to reality. We have been working for years evaluating via Investment Grade Audits then applying specific measurable efficiencies within the built environment as well as manufacturing and other industries. Our efforts at applying scientific and engineering proven best practices extend as well to the improvement of transportation efficiency, renewable energy, agriculture, as well as bio-diverse habitat and forestry restoration to substantially reduce environmental impacts to bring substantive carbon emission reductions to reality, again we make positive impacts for the planet and its peoples.

Copyright ©2014-2024 Global Green Institute, Copyright ©2024 MDHEvo, LLC., Copyright ©2014-2024 D.A. Huard, Copyright ©2007-2024 Humann Building Solutions, LLC.