Carbon Credit Registry

Global Green Institute has a substantial quantity of available Carbon Credits with maturation originations from 2021 through the present 2024, all of which have been derived from documented methodologies for compliance alignment.

Methodologies include:

Abatement of the Usage of Diesel Fuels; Usage of other petroleum fuel products

Emissions Reductions in the Transportation, Energy Production, Built Environment and Manufacturing Industries

Renewable Energy Production via Solar Photovoltaic as well as Solar Thermal Methodologies the

Carbon Sequestration via managed Agricultural and biodiverse Reforestation means and methods 

Our currently available credits are listed here to provide a traceable means to catalog their inception, their development, their maturation and their retirement which is the causal event for the verification of impacts and the credits verified creation. These totals adjust when purchases occur and additional credits mature so they are effective on the date viewed subject to change due to Carbon Abatement Credit or REC retirement.

All purchases will provide a traceability reference serial number sequence certificates for the desired quantity acquired and purchased on Global Green Institute’s trading platform

Solar Photoelectric Renewable Energy Certificate Credits 

Available SERC Exchange Solar Photoelectric Renewable Energy Certificate Credits Matured and Derived in 2024 within the United States of America (effective date of December 31, 2024) less the respective LCA documented deductions and Net Metered Energy delivery deductions.
45,000 RECs 
Available SERC Exchange Solar Photoelectric Renewable Energy Certificate Credits Matured and Derived in 2023 within the United States of America (effective date of December 31, 2023) less the respective LCA documented deductions and Net Metered Energy delivery deductions.
30,000 RECs 
Available SERC Exchange Solar Photoelectric Renewable Energy Certificate Credits Matured and Derived in 2022 within the United States of America (effective date of December 31, 2022) less the respective LCA documented deductions and Net Metered Energy delivery deductions.
20,000 RECs
Available SERC Exchange Solar Photoelectric Renewable Energy Certificate Credits Matured and Derived in 2021 within the United States of America (effective date of December 31, 2021) less the respective LCA documented deductions and Net Metered Energy delivery deductions.
15,000 RECs

Solar Thermal Renewable Energy Certificate Credits 

Available Solar Thermal Renewable Energy Certificate Credits Matured and Derived in 2024 less the respective LCA documented Emissions quantities to produce (effective date of December 31, 2024)
162.1 MW
Available Solar Thermal Renewable Energy Certificate Credits Matured and Derived in 2023 less the respective LCA documented Emissions quantities to produce (effective date of December 31, 2023)
110 MW
Available Solar Thermal Renewable Energy Certificate Credits Matured and Derived in 2022 less the respective LCA documented Emissions quantities to produce (effective date of December 31, 2022)
80 MW

Energy Efficiency Improvement (Technology Based) Usage Abatement Credits

Available Usage Abatement Credits Matured and Derived in 2024 less the respective LCA documented Emissions quantities to produce
5,000 Tons
Available Usage Abatement Credits Matured and Derived in 2023 less the respective LCA documented Emissions quantities to produce
4,000 Tons
Available Usage Abatement Credits Matured and Derived in 2022 less the respective LCA documented Emissions quantities to produce (to effective date of November 20, 2022)
35,021 Tons
Available Usage Abatement Credits Matured and Derived in 2021 less the respective LCA documented Emissions quantities to produce
3,547.16 Tons

Carbon Sequestration Credits (Nature Solutions Based) 

Available Forestry and Agricultural Nature Solutions Based Carbon Sequestering Credits Matured and Derived in 2024 less the respective LCA documented Emissions quantities to produce (effective date of December 31, 2024)
25,000 Tons