Forestry, Landscape, Agriculture and Nature Based Carbon Credit Solutions

The common acronym term AFOLU – for Agriculture, Forestry, and Other Land Use efforts are part of our known numerous types of Nature Based Carbon Credits. Our Collaborative following Governance, ESG and Managerial Best Practices ensures that we focus strategically to evaluate and include the diverse spectrum of potential ways to mitigate impacts of Climate Change via incorporation of as many of the 170 Types of Carbon Credits available. 

Our Global Green Institute collaborative works only with Compliance Grade – Regulatory Carbon Credits.

The Categorical classifications of the 170 Types of Carbon Credits that we evaluate, document and ensure adequate development of to be full compliance recognized include those termed Nature Based Solutions:

Biodiverse Reforestation – Our Proprietary Professional Managed Methodology to synchronize multiple elements delivering comprehensive solutions which optimize Carbon Credits, Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) benefits.
Improved Forest Management
Afforestation –  Revegetation – Reforestation
Blue Carbon & Aquatic Agriculture Methodologies
Soil Based Carbon Sequestration
Agro Forestry
Urban Forestation
Avoided Forest Conversion
Managed Agricultural Methods & Optimizations
Livestock Methane Management & Impact Mitigation
Sustainable Agriculture
Agricultural Irrigation Optimization
Grassland / Rangeland Management
Nitrogen Management
Other Additional AFOLU Methods